Guest Post Guidelines

Guest Post Guidelines

We  welcomes guest posts. Please follow the guidelines below if you’d like to get your post on Gulf-Recruitments Blog.

General guidelines

  • Write a post with insanely useful content. Always ask: ‘How can readers benefit from this?’
  • Use examples and anecdotes to clarify your points.
  • Offer fresh content that has not been published before.
  • Send us a pitch only if you are a blogger with your own blog.
  • Ensure that your post does not violate any copyright laws.
  • No freelancers or staff-writers, please.
  • If your post does not follow the guidelines, you may not receive a response from us. 

How to approach us

Please send an email to the Editor: Start the Subject line with GUEST POST (in ALL CAPS).

  • Tell us briefly who you are.
  • State the title of your proposed post.
  • Outline the topic with bullet points.
  • Include 1 or 2 links to other  GR Blog articles that you will use to supplement your points.
  • Tell us how  GR Blog readers would benefit from your post.
  • Add a couple of links to your best posts.

The process

Once we’ve accepted your post proposal, please send us a word document. Also attach any images that are part of the post. Please don’t be upset if we recommend some changes–we want your post to be successful. The post may be edited for greater clarity, grammar, punctuation etc.

Your post must:

  • Have an introduction that attracts interest and makes the reader want to read further.
  • Use headings, subheadings, bold font for key sentences and bulleted lists so it is easy to read.
  • Have a conclusion.
  • Have a call to action for readers after the conclusion.
  • Be 800 – 1500 words long.
  • Be written in the style of writing we prefer.
  • Have an author bio at the end (about 40 words). You can link to your blog and a product of yours that is offered free to GR Blog readers. Please send us the links and we will add them. A sample author bio is: Eugene Writegood is a writing coach and blogs at, a blog about bold and fearless writing. Grab his free eBook, Blahdiblah.
  • Have a killer title. You can download a great resource for writing headlines, called “Why Headlines Fail” at Psychotactics.
  • Offer links to a few suggested images in your pitch email. A good source of images is: Bigstock.


Carefully edit and proofread your post.
If your post includes images, send them to us as attachments, indicating where in the text they should be located.
Be prepared to respond to comments in a timely manner over the next few days.


Change the font or the font color, or use <span>, or <br> tags.
Include affiliate links.
Attach images to the post.

Thanks again for your interest in guest posting. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Note: We retain the copyright of all material published on  GR Blog. A guest poster cannot republish their guest post elsewhere; it must remain unique to  GR Blog